Lose his temper (to ) conjugation

40 examples
This verb can also mean the following: do

Conjugation of lose his temper

you all
Present Simple
lose his temper
lose his temper
loses his temper
lose his temper
lose his temper
lose his temper
Future Simple
will lose his temper
will lose his temper
will lose his temper
will lose his temper
will lose his temper
will lose his temper
Past Simple
lost his temper
lost his temper
lost his temper
lost his temper
lost his temper
lost his temper
Conditional Simple
would lose his temper
would lose his temper
would lose his temper
would lose his temper
would lose his temper
would lose his temper
you all
Present Progressive
am losing his temper
are losing his temper
is losing his temper
are losing his temper
are losing his temper
are losing his temper
Future Progressive
will be losing his temper
will be losing his temper
will be losing his temper
will be losing his temper
will be losing his temper
will be losing his temper
Past Progressive
was losing his temper
were losing his temper
was losing his temper
were losing his temper
were losing his temper
were losing his temper
Conditional Progressive
would be losing his temper
would be losing his temper
would be losing his temper
would be losing his temper
would be losing his temper
would be losing his temper
you all
Present Perfect
have lost his temper
have lost his temper
has lost his temper
have lost his temper
have lost his temper
have lost his temper
Future Perfect
will have lost his temper
will have lost his temper
will have lost his temper
will have lost his temper
will have lost his temper
will have lost his temper
Past Perfect
had lost his temper
had lost his temper
had lost his temper
had lost his temper
had lost his temper
had lost his temper
Conditional Perfect
would have lost his temper
would have lost his temper
would have lost his temper
would have lost his temper
would have lost his temper
would have lost his temper
Present Perfect Progressive
have been losing his temper
have been losing his temper
has been losing his temper
have been losing his temper
have been losing his temper
have been losing his temper
Future Perfect Progressive
will have been losing his temper
will have been losing his temper
will have been losing his temper
will have been losing his temper
will have been losing his temper
will have been losing his temper
Past Perfect Progressive
had been losing his temper
had been losing his temper
had been losing his temper
had been losing his temper
had been losing his temper
had been losing his temper
Conditional Perfect Progressive
would have been losing his temper
would have been losing his temper
would have been losing his temper
would have been losing his temper
would have been losing his temper
would have been losing his temper

Examples of lose his temper

Example in EnglishTranslation in English
"Poppa's gonna lose his temper again "and show you the buckle end of his belt, boy."
"Show me a man that can lose his temper "and I'll show you a man that can lose his salami. "
A man should be able to lose his temper and cuss out his wife... once in a while without her misunderstanding the reason.
And Stefán here can lose his temper without a moments notice.
And why would Harry Carson lose his temper with Alfred Peachment?
"Poppa's gonna lose his temper again "and show you the buckle end of his belt, boy."
"Show me a man that can lose his temper "and I'll show you a man that can lose his salami. "
A man should be able to lose his temper and cuss out his wife... once in a while without her misunderstanding the reason.
And Stefán here can lose his temper without a moments notice.
And why would Harry Carson lose his temper with Alfred Peachment?
- When he loses his temper...
Ajay loses his temper, he beats up Hari Singh. And this rascal... he takes it without a whimper.
And he loses his temper with the kids.
But he always loses his temper and hurts someone, poor man.
Charlie loses his temper, stabs Sean, dumps him at the ER, tells his sister to alibi him.
- When he loses his temper...
Ajay loses his temper, he beats up Hari Singh. And this rascal... he takes it without a whimper.
And he loses his temper with the kids.
But he always loses his temper and hurts someone, poor man.
Charlie loses his temper, stabs Sean, dumps him at the ER, tells his sister to alibi him.
"I couldn't take it no more. "Not so much my foster Dad's drinking and losing his temper... "
But I think he was a little concerned with losing his temper.
He is prone to losing his temper.
He's losing his temper right now.
I just don't see him losing his temper or taking on some Special Forces vet,that's all.
-Cole lost his temper.
-He lost his temper.
ANNOUNCER: Martin lost his temper and hit the referee!
And it's even more curious when I confronted Mr. Brewster with the fact that his story about entering the bay on his pedalo the very moment that the midday gun went off was denied by Linda he lost his temper, he attacked the poor girl. It would've been so much easier for him to have called his second witness
And that's when my dad lost his temper and decided to contact a lawyer.
"I couldn't take it no more. "Not so much my foster Dad's drinking and losing his temper... "
But I think he was a little concerned with losing his temper.
He is prone to losing his temper.
He's losing his temper right now.
I just don't see him losing his temper or taking on some Special Forces vet,that's all.
-Cole lost his temper.
-He lost his temper.
ANNOUNCER: Martin lost his temper and hit the referee!
And it's even more curious when I confronted Mr. Brewster with the fact that his story about entering the bay on his pedalo the very moment that the midday gun went off was denied by Linda he lost his temper, he attacked the poor girl. It would've been so much easier for him to have called his second witness
And that's when my dad lost his temper and decided to contact a lawyer.

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